谁?誰? Who Am I
由滨海艺术中心图书馆 Open Stage Originals 与新加坡作家节呈献
Presented by library@esplanade Open Stage Originals as part of Singapore Writers Festival 2022 25 Programmes in 25 Libraries
日期 Date | 2022年11月13日 13 Novemeber 2022
担任 | 编剧/演员
Involvement | Playwright/ Actor
支持者 Supported by Shum Zhen Yi, Rei Poh (Patreon)
简介 Synopsis
Who Am I? is a dramatised reading by The Solitude Movement, written by gongxin (Teo Pei Si) that explores the complexities of identity and the struggle between cultural and national identities. She relays the ubiquitous cultural identity crisis and questions her own sense of identity and Chineseness through various experiences and encounters growing up.
Please note that this programme will be conducted in Mandarin with no surtitles.